Town Newspaper wishes you happy new month

Town Newspaper wishes you happy new month

Another monthly journey comes to an end as it marks the beginning of another. Whether blissful or not, productive or not, bountiful or not, this new month provides us with another opportunity to do more, be more, and aspire for more.
May we be more resilient than ever to withstand anything that life may throw at us. May we be compassionate and loving enough to know and show affection to those that matter and merit it.
May we be strong and courageous enough to dare prospects envisioned with gusto, bravado and temerity. In all of these, let us envisage to be more patient, respectful and encouraging in our dealings with others.
Let us learn that the most little things count and not make a big fuss about life. After all, what’s the purpose of realising all your goals when you have no one to share that happiness with you.
Cherish the little things, memories, the strides and lengths people go to in a bid to make you smile, no matter how insignificant. Create friendships, nurture them, and keep them close to your bosom.
Learn to love and be loved. Be appreciative. Have a candour that endears you to others and make sure to have positive impacts on the lives of people.
If last month was not good enough, sit back and hold on and have a stern conviction that this month will be better. For what are words or acts without faith?!
Strive to be better. Every sweat is worth the hustle. Success doesn’t come easy but there’s so much gratification that arises from it. April is going to be better. April is going to be greater.
We are yet to see the best versions of ourselves. But remember, God should be at the centre of it all. Last month, I appreciated a very few group of people on here. I was unable to this month.
Non obstante, I still appreciate every soul that has touched me in one way or the other. Though I’m unable to put to words the gravity of my appreciation and there’s great difficulty orienting my thoughts, know this, that I am because you are.
Thanks for being awesome and I look forward to an awe inspiring, adrenaline rushing, enthralling and euphoric April. “Nyame dada naa, Yesu nkoaa” – Same God! Stay well!